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Clinical Departments

Department of Otolaryngology


Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital’s Otolaryngology is made of professional team of MD , chief physician and a group of young doctors in the prime life , have strong technical force. The existing staff of the departments is 29 ; which 2 chief physician, 3       

attending physicians , 22 nurses , open 15 beds . Outpatient Settings:Otolaryngology regeption room, laryngoscopy room , outpatient operating room. The department is equipped with advanced equipment : the United States , " Stryker " endoscopic surgery system, the German "Lycra " Advanced surgical microscope , the Japanese " Olympus " video laryngoscope , the United States" Medtronic " otologic electric drill.

Business features:

1. Head and Neck Surgery : Skilled carry larynx, pharynx cancer , thyroid, nasal - sinus tumor surgery.

2.Endoscopic surgery : sinusitis , nasal polyps, nasal - sinus tumor, external nasal deformity surgery ; Endoscopic adenoidectomy , nasal lacrimal sac pore , repair of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea .

3.Ear microsurgery : a variety of otitis media , ear -derived intracranial complications, ear deformity, peripheral facial paralysis, artificial ossicles applications have significantly improved postoperative hearing ; mastoid filling and ear canal wall reconstruction significantly shortened postoperation dry ear surgery time .

4. Throat Surgery: surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome , and throat microsurgery .

 Tel : 029-88332096 ( outpatient ) , 029-88330135 ( Medical Office) , 029-88332( retaining Office)

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