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Clinical Departments

Section 2


The department major in neuromuscular disease, neurological autoimmune diseases, adult and pediatric epilepsy,central nervous system infection and extrapyramidal disease , at the same time it can treat  the incurable diseases of nervous system including various types of dizziness, headache, central nervous system infections, demyelinating diseases and harmful gas poisoning.The department offers 38 beds and has 37employees, 5 senior titles, 5 intermediate grade titles, 13 nurses and 2 persons in hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

The departments consists of outpatient, epilepsy clinic, ward, nerve laboratories, video EEG room, EMG room, transcranial magnetic stimulation room, nerve electrophysiology lab, hyperbaric oxygen room. Current Specialist projects: muscle biopsy, immunohistochemistry, CSF cytology test; ordinary video EEG, 24 hours of video EEG, TCD, EMG, evoked potentials, transcranial magnetic stimulation and other tests; oxygen therapies, including hyperbaric oxygen and hyperbaric ozone autologous blood transfusion therapy.

The Outpatient clinic is on the North Road of second floor including incurable disease clinic (working days), epilepsy clinic (Tuesday, Thursday),  rare disease clinic (on the second Thursday of each month) and international department specialist clinic (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).

Tel: 029-88330161 (outpatient),029-88332052 (Medical Office),029-88333111 (nurse office).

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