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Medicine Oncology


Cancer, has become the leader that endanger human life and health. However, if timely and reasonable treatment, the majority of patients can win overwhelming effect, about half of the patients can be cured.

The department of medicine oncology of Xi'an high-tech hospital has strong technical force, and its tumor inspecting equipment is high, refined, excellent, full. Such as positron emission tomography (PET-CT), is the world’s advanced equipment that integrate imaging technology with the biological activity of scanning into one, not only can identify the lesions that other means is difficult to find, but also can track and judge the curative effect.

The department has the unique opinion to systemic chemotherapy, the treatment of thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, the comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, local and systemic immune chemotherapy, Molecular targeted therapy, other effective means and their comprehensive application, especially arterial catheter treatment that directly continuously inject small doses of drugs into the tumor, its curative effect is outstanding but low toxicity. For terminal cancer patients, offer them the "strong support" and palliative care, which can improve symptoms, less pain, improve the quality of life; impose unique treatment to tumor complications, treatment toxicity, difficult rare disease, lymphoma and preneoplastic lesions, malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, ect.

The main project development:

1, The molecular target therapy and endocrine therapy of all kinds of malignant solid tumors;

2, systemic chemotherapy of all kinds of malignant solid tumors, including large doses, multiple low dose chemotherapy;

3, Local interventional chemotherapy of all kinds of malignant solid tumors and local arterial catheter chemotherapy;

4, Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and immune biology treatment of all kinds of malignant solid tumors;

5, All kinds of comprehensive treatment of early, medium-term, advanced malignant solid tumors, including effective traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Tel: 029-88330253

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