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Clinical Departments

Department of Respiratory Medicine


XiAn high-tech Hospital’s respiratory medicine is a medical professional team with treatment, teaching, scientific research. The department offers 37 ordinary beds and eight respiratory intensive care units (RICU) beds. There are 41 doctors and nurses, including nine senior titles, three intermediate titles and 24 nurses. 

The department is equipped with outpatient service, smoking cessation outpatient service, ward, abnormal reaction chamber, lung function rooms, electronic bronchoscope room and polysomnography. The outpatient has the director of the physicians and vice director of the doctors. The team of clinician is mainly composed of level 3 physicians with  rich clinical experience, serious and responsible to guarantee the medical security and medical quality.

The department mainly  committed to the comprehensive treatment of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, pneumoconiosis ,pneumonia and pleural lesions. The department  are equipped with advanced equipments including Olympus P240 electronic bronchoscope, Wei kang multi-parameter pulmonary function instrument made in the United States, Wei kang multiple lead sleep monitor ,Siemens breath machine and the blood gas analyzer, etc.

Consultation telephone: 029-88330223 (outpatient), 029-88330163 (doctor office), 029-88330080 (nurse station)

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